City Council January 16, 2016 Public Hearing Agenda
Over two months since their last meeting regarding the Tapestry project the city of Hesperia hosted a special meeting on January 16th, 2016 where recommended actions were to adopt the Tapestry project and to certify the EIR as complete along with other similar topics and actions. This document goes further in detail explaining that the Tapestry project has been in review since November 3rd, 2013, and has been proposed and revised multiple times. It continues by stating that on November 15th, 2015, the Ad Hoc Committee met with the developer and discussed a new proposal. This proposal is explained and informed that the dwelling units have been lowered along with other changes to the Tapestry project.
The document continues with a section of the Ad Hoc Committee’s responses to independent review comments dating back to April 28th, 2015. In this section, the responses include those responding to topics such as land use distribution, the project entry points, and the first phase development core area planning node.
The third major section of the document is the “Statement of Facts and Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Regarding the Environmental Effects for the Tapestry Specific Plan Project”, which is mainly based on the facts and findings based on the Environment of the Tapestry project and its surrounding areas. Some of the topics within this section relate to project objectives, biological resources, population and housing, air quality, and the no-build considerations. This information can be found starting on page 77 of the document.
The following section is labeled, “Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program” the document provides tables of information on important topics such as Air Quality, Biological Resources, and Cultural and Paleontological Resources, along with other environmental topics. These each is expanded on due to Mitigation Measures, Monitoring Responsibilities, Mitigation Timing, monitoring Schedule/ Reporting Procedure, Mitigation Measure Implemented?, and Record Document Location. This section allows for proper usage of space, and the recording of it and allows for the city of Hesperia to be held accountable for thor actions within the space.
The last section of the document is a few different memos/agendas from different places and agencies such as Helix Environmental Planning, and Buchalter Nemer, A Law Corporation. These inquiries provide their proposed modifications to the Tapestry Project. Some things that are stated are Green House Emissions, land use, and more.
This page is from the “Ad Hoc Committee’s Responses to Independent Review Comments“ section of the, “City Council January 16, 2016 Public Hearing Agenda“ document on page 59 giving visual documentation of the provided review.
This page is from the “Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program“ section of the document. It is an example of the table pertaining to the potentially significant impacts of air quality in the area in and around the Tapestry project.