City Council November 3, 2015, Public Hearing Agenda

On November 3rd, 2015, the city of Hesperia hosted another regular joint meeting, resulting in the creation of the document, “City Council November 3, 2015, Public Hearing Agenda”. This meeting focused on various topics such as property negotiations with Real Property Negotiators, and conferences with Labor Negotiators. Also, the public hearing section of the meeting pertained to an action plan regarding the substantial amendment to the community development grant (CDBG) that is expanded on page 11 of the document. The document continues information on the minutes of the meeting of August 27th, 2015 the Hesperia Planning Commission Meeting where topics such as certifying and adopting additional facts for the Tapestry’s final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and other meetings addressing similar Tapestry projects.

The informational section of the document shows an attachment labeled, “Attachment 9”. Located on page 42, this attachment shows the Dam Inundation Zone that depicts the area that could be affected by the result of flooding from a hypothetical failure of a dam or the California Aqueduct. This could be concerning because the aqueduct is split down the center of the community. The remainder of the document includes information and images pertaining to the Tapestry project’s residential uses along with development standards and more regarding similar aspects of the project.


Planning Commission September 24, 2015 Public Hearing Agenda


Tapestry Final EIR