Planning Commission August 27, 2015, Public Hearing Agenda
The Planning Commission August 27, 2015, Public Hearing Agenda, chronicles the Hesperia Planning Commission Meeting that occurred on August 13th, 2015 along with the “Tapestry Specific Plan Project” document. The proposed action includes completing the final draft of the Tapestry project’s EIR and adopting various resolutions found on page three of the planning commission’s composition. During the joint public comment section of the meeting, Al Vogler spoke in opposition to the Tapestry project stating “Paramount issues include water, traffic, sewage, land use and density, future costs to [the] surrounding communities, crime, long-term regional effects to infrastructure, adequate planning and funding for public safety, and the absolute need to keep “politics” out of the issues.” The remainder of Al’s statement can be found on page 3-313 of the document, “Tapestry Final EIR” The rest of this meeting concludes with Senior Planner Daniel Alcayaga giving a presentation that would address the topic of SPLA15-00002 that would be passed unanimously by the council.